Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 25-Jun-90
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fbext - extract a rectangle from an image, resize, change aspect ratio  


fbext [ -w<width> -h<height> -W<maxwdith> -H<maxheight>
        -s<size> -a<aspect> -t'title' -c'credits' ] [ -<type> ]
        [ x y [ width height ] ]     < bitmap > bitmap


Extract a rectangle from a bitmap and resize it. There are lots of arguments, but you'll typically only give it a few. For example, you should only specify two of width, height and aspect ratio, and it will calculate the third. The rectangle spec is given as 2 or 4 positional arguments after the flags, and if omitted the entire input image is copied.

The maximum width and height override all other size specifications, so they can be used ot keep the results displayable on your screen.

When working with Amiga images, remember that the original input has an aspect ratio of 1.2, so a common operation is "fbext -a1" which expands the smaller dimension to give an output with an aspect ratio of 1.  


output file format, S=sun, P=pbm, F=fbm, B=face format. Only one may be specified.
aspect ratio, specify desired output aspect ratio.
width, specify desired output width in pixels.
height, specify desired output height in pixels.
size, specify desired number of pixels in output (eg: 320x200 is 64000 pixels.
maximum width, of output. The image will be expanded up to this size, keeping the specified aspect ratio.
maximum height.,
title, specify a character string (up to 80 characters) to describe the image. The default is no title.
credits or subtitle, specify a second character string (up to 80 characters) to describe the image. The default is no credit string.



Suppose you have a GIF file with 320 by 200 pixels and an aspect ratio of 1.2 (that is, it looks right at 320 by 240 pixels). You want to blow it up to fit your Sun screen (1152 by 900). You want the output ratio adjusted to be 1.0 so it will look right on the Sun.

fbext -S -W1152 -H900 -a1.0 < foo.gif > foo.raster

You have an FBM format file 512 by 384 and you want to extract a rectangle 300 by 200 from the middle:

fbext -F 106 92 300 200 < foo.fbm > bar.fbm



fbm(1) for general discussion, pbm(1) for PBM routines.  


None known.  


Copyright (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin. Permission is granted to use this file in whole or in part for any purpose, educational, recreational or commercial, provided that this copyright notice is retained unchanged. This software is available to all free of charge by anonymous FTP and in the UUNET archives.
25-Jun-90 Michael Mauldin at Carnegie Mellon University
Release 1.0 mlm@cs.cmu.edu
07-Mar-89 Michael L. Mauldin at Carnegie Mellon University
Beta release (version 0.9) mlm@cs.cmu.edu




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